Online Lessons
Personal Instruction, anytime, anywhere.
Need a golf lesson, but maybe you don’t have the time to make it to the Academy? Maybe you spend your winters down south but would like to continue working on your game.
Purchase 1 lesson for $25 or 6 lessons for special price of $99 and have online access to your own personal coach.
All you need is a smart phone and simply follow these 4 easy steps.
Download the free ubersense sport coaching app.
Record 2 swings. Down the line (from behind towards the target), and from face on. We recommend having someone else record your swing or use this simple device. camcaddy
Click share, send to alan@alanbrennangolf.com
Click the Buy Now button.
If you are experiencing any difficulties pleaseclick here
or email
The Academy directly alangolfpro@yahoo.com